Revamping services

for odors abatement equipment

We revamp your obsolete or malfunctioning equipment

Odors abatement equipment will deteriorate throughout time. Sometimes, the installed equipment does not work anymore and does not ensure an efficient abatement of odorous emissions.

This involves:

  • higher maintenance costs;
  • risks of sanctions for overcoming emissions limits;
  • increased environmental impact;
  • risks of controversies with people living in the plant surroundings.

Labiotest offers a service of recovery and revamping of the equipment and existing devices to remedy damages due to time and wear.

Our action allows overcoming possible limits due to past design and technological choices, by integrating the original project with solutions updated according to present technological standards.

Every revamping project is tailor-made: a preliminary inspection to verify the state of the plant and its equipment will give our team the possibility of determining the most suitable solution in terms of efficiency, rapidity and savings.

The final purpose is to reach the foreseen technical performances in compliance with the agreed upon budget.

After revamping, routine maintenance service will allow you ensuring efficiency and proper operation of the odors abatement equipment throughout time.

When is revamping necessary?

Revamping is necessary when:

  • the whole abatement equipment breaks down and does not work properly
  • elements constituting the equipment are worn out
  • the abatement equipment is old and no longer efficient

In fact, a malfunctioning equipment is no longer in a condition to guarantee emissions/efficiencies complying with what Italian norms in force require, and more specifically:

  • Decree Law 152/2006 (Environmental Unique text) and last updating: art. 272-bis of 19th December 2017
  • Regional Guidelines regarding the place where the odors abatement equipment is located
  • BAT (Best Available Technologies)
  • AIA (Environmental Integrated Authorization)

Labiotest revamping

SOS Service

Our SOS Service (Sustainable Odor Service) helps define all critical parts of the machinery, in order to restore already existing odors abatement equipment. We try to understand if it is still efficient and in a condition to comply with emission limits foreseen by pertaining norms.

After the technical analysis of the existing plant, we suggest a program to bring it back to high standards of operation and odors abatement.

In the case of critical emissions, we may also foresee the installation of a pilot equipment to understand which technology is best to improve performances.

SOS Service phases

1. Technical survey

We ensure a technical survey to evaluate the state of plant and existing equipment. We are thus able to determine possible ineffectiveness, in order to schedule corrective measures or functional revamping of the abatement equipment.

The visit foresees:

  • survey of work parameters
  • measurement of fluid dynamics parameters on the inlet and outlet of the equipment
  • survey of some analytical parameters by means of colorimetric instruments
  • verification and control of the state of components
  • olfactometric and chemical investigations

2. Advice regarding norms and techniques, olfactometric, chemical and fluid dynamical analyses

This type of regulatory advice includes:

  • analyses of the documentation related to the emission process and necessary support in view of authorizations for an equipment
  • olfactometric and chemical analyses on site for the evaluation of existing technologies. We measure odor concentration as emitted by the various parts of the equipment and we evaluate possible chemical mixtures present in the emissions
  • evaluation of conformity of air ducts going to the equipment

Some of the activities may be performed together with LOD, a spin-off company of the Udine University, including the evaluation of the equipment olfactometric impact on the territory.

3. Conclusive report and evaluation of revamping costs/benefits; preparation of works program

All the collected data at the time of the technical survey are treated and analyzed, in order to supply a precise report on critical aspects and corrections or improvements it is possible to introduce, in order to restore the necessary conditions for an optimal operation, meeting with requisites both in terms of abatement and operational / managerial conditions.

4. Revamping and efficient operation of the plant

We prepare an economic offer for all the works foreseen in the report.

We design the new equipment and go ahead with foreseen activities once the client confirms his acceptance.

Further maintenance contract

The proposal may include a maintenance activity that, through the payment of a monthly amount, foresees two yearly scheduled maintenance activities guaranteeing a proper operation of the equipment, thus protecting the client from possible risks.

The maintenance activity includes:

  • settings, cleanings and / or replacements of filters
  • control of electro-mechanical parts
  • possible replacement of faulty components
  • final test of the equipment