Spray - Osmogenic barrier

Our osmogenic barrier technology plants use the nebulizer system to diffuse a solution consisting of water and deodorizing product.

These systems make it possible to:

  • contain the spread of odors
  • control and limit dust.

Nebulization of this mixture of neutralizing product and water changes the structure of odorigenic molecules, making them undetectable to the sense of smell, thus eliminating nuisance odors.

The products are tested to ensure efficiency and imply no risk whatsoever to either humans or the environment.

Osmogenic barriers are the only solutions for odor abatement in cases of diffuse emissions - for example, landfills, composting plants, water purifiers, etc. - where conveyance is not possible.

They also work very effectively in the presence of ducted emissions with the insertion of bars accompanied by spray nozzles directly inside the effluent exhaust stacks.

In addition, if inserted upstream or downstream of plants, they can be synergistic solutions to activities that rely on chemical-physical methods such as washing towers (Scrubbers) and adsorption towers, or biological ones that work with biofilters.

Our osmogenic spray-barrier technologies have more than 80% abatement efficiency tested by olfactometric surveys performed according to UNI EN 13725:2022.

Osmogenic barrier technology: the advantages

  • High deodorizing yield even at room temperature
  • Eliminates the malodorous molecule of origin without the inconvenience of its subsequent restoration
  • Uses biodegradable deodorizing products that do not oxidize or alter in air, except for very long periods of exposure
  • Uses terpene extracts and natural essential oils that have the technical purpose of functioning as olfactometric indicators of optimal dilution
  • Does not introduce toxic chemicals into the environment-such as aldehydes of various kinds, organic acids, amines and betaines-whose job it is to chemically block malodorous molecules
  • It does not use substances that produce by-products
  • The mechanism of action is not affected by visible and ultraviolet solar radiation.

Plant design with osmogenic barriers

In order to ensure proper diffusion of deodorizing products, when designing an odor abatement plant using the osmogenic barrier technology, we evaluate if the misting system is appropriate based on several parameters.

  • Micronization: the smaller the particles of solution going into the atmosphere, the greater the surface area of contact with malodorous molecules, which leads to the best possible result, consequently.
  • Strategic diffusion: the misting diffusers should be positioned so as to adequately "cover" the site affected by the problem.
  • Timing of activity: : we evaluate the area where this contact is to take place. If we are dealing with micronization inside a stack, it is important to know the speed at which the air is flowing through it, as well as the air flow rate to be treated. Consequently, the number and flow rate of diffusers or injectors will be decided.
  • Timing: our products, not covering odors or perfuming the air, must be distributed in adequate quantities, thus without exceeding to allow adequate economy of the system. To do this, it is essential that our equipment be activated at set times according to appropriate pause-work timing in order to ensure its operability while safeguarding operation costs.

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